Lectures and workshops

Education and lectures

We want to be involved in training future illustrators and animators. Therefore, we have participated in several educations at Swedish universities and schools. We develop educations and workshops with the high standard the industry requires. We inspire and hold lectures in traditional animation, 2D animation, and 3D animation. We see many benefits when we can work closely with the students and give feedback and guidance; our goal is to help them get their dream job.

Inspirational lectures for companies

It isn’t easy to know how animation is made, how much production can cost, how long time it takes, what you can create with animation, etc. So if you want to improve your knowledge about animation at your agency and learn more about what’s possible to do, we would love to pop by and show you different projects and animation techniques and discuss budgets.
Our lectures are usually around one hour but we can also do tailor-made lectures suited just for you.

Lectures 2022

Artic Game Week – Skellefteå, Sweden
Sörängens folkhögskola – digital lecture
Animationsakademin – digital lecture
LBS kreativa gymnasiet – open house

We are a learning partner for the following instiutions:

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Book a lecture!
Reach out to Samuel Fast Hurtigkarl
+46 (0)73 612 06 04

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E-Learning and online presentations

Since 2020, we have also offered training and lectures online. Therefore, we have a fully functional solution and have taught and lectured more than 100 participants in one online session.

Get in touch with Samuel Fast Hurtigkarl if you want to discuss a customized to your particular education or business.
