Saetre – Biscuits to bring on the trip
Together with our Norwegian colleagues we got to do the animation for a commercial for the beloved biscuit brand Saertre.
Inspired by the classic Roger Rabbit, we brought the rooster from the Saertre logo to life, and animated it on top of the live action footage we made the rooster of the Saertre logo came to life and animated in on top of the live action footage shot by Animasjonsdepartementet.
Production company
Brikk Animation
Animation Directors
Redoad Syed
Björn Johansson
Brikk Animation
Character development
John Göransson
2D Animation
Redoad Syed
Emil Lundmark
John Göransson
Danila Michailov
Raquel Juan
Arthur Marcel
Emil Börner
3D Artist
Kristian Andersson
Björn Johansson
Philip Engström